MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, August 28, 14:30
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
First Year Representative (TBD)
VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
VP Social (David Peretz-Larochelle)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 14:38 motioned by Becky, seconded by Chris
It’s the first meeting!
Approval of Agenda: Becky motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, August 28, 14:30
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
First Year Representative (TBD)
VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
VP Social (David Peretz-Larochelle)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 14:38 motioned by Becky, seconded by Chris
It’s the first meeting!
Approval of Agenda: Becky motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
- Review of Council Procedure: Attendance (we need at least half of the council there to have a meeting) let Becky know in advance if you can’t be at a meeting/event. Send Naomi info about course conflicts etc. Sometimes we need subcommittees (but not very often!). All MEdUSA posters need the stamp of approval which is in the office. You can stamp posters that people bring during office hours, just make sure they’re appropriate. Also, this is technically MUSA’s job, so try to be more music ed focused. If you have to make a purchase of over $200 both Becky and Gillian have to approve it. Under $200 just Gill has to. Bring your receipts to Gill to be reimbursed for MEdUSA related costs. Financial year is May 1 to April 30. All exit reports should be on Google Drive. Becky will check to make sure, and check out your predecessor's report! Get server trained ASAP! Everyone needs to go get the office key from the building director. Read through the constitution. It’s on the MEdUSA website. Everyone has to write weekly reports saying what you said in the week so we know what’s going on. They are always do midnight before the meeting. (i.e. if the meeting is Wednesday, the report is due Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning). Email Heather any agenda items by noon before the meeting. We’re going to try organising the agenda by position to make the meetings run smoother. All weekly reports will be in one document. If you’re the first one, make the document and then everyone else will add to it.
- Review of Council Roles:
- First Year Rep: MUSA rep. Will attend MUSA meetings. Possibly the First Year Committee Council? Liaison with the First Year Office.
- VP Academic: EdUS rep (also, maybe FEWG). Deal with any course issues that come up. Works closely with Lisa. Oversees the Masterclass Fund. Try to find out what’s going on with our program (is it being cut?).
- VP Finance: Takes care of the money. Gets a budget from MUSA, EdUS, and Lisa. In charge of fundraisers (sweaters!) Monthly budget reports.
- VP Social: PartiesUsually there’s a First Year Event, Festivus, YAP, Advising Session, Showcase & Reception. Need more pictures of events! Assist VP Finance with fundraising.
- VP Professional Development: 2 QBA workshops and 1 MEdUSA workshop per semester. In the winter we have a conducting workshop (this year is instrumental. woo hoo!). Makes people aware of the conferences (QBA, FAMEQ, etc).
- VP Communications: In charge of official records (Google Drive, email, website). Books rooms for meetings, takes minutes, publicizes meetings (they’re open to the GA). Sends out E-news.
- President: Enforces the constitution. Coordinates relations. Writes an article for the Phonograph. Cosigns for financial stuff.
- Budget: MEdUSA workshops: $100-150. Social: $500 per semester. These numbers are approximate.
- Semester Reports, Event Proposals, Event Reports: VP Finance, Professional Development, and Social need to submit a semester proposal by the end of September. An event proposal must be submitted before each event, and the Event Report is submitted after an event.
- Sweaters: Gill needs to talk to Diana. End of September/beginning of October we need to make the order. The council is going to model them!
- Copy Code/Card: We have a preloaded card you can use to print/copy MEdUSA related stuff.
- Office Hours: 1 hour per week. Just sit in the office for an hour in case anyone comes by. Keep the door open. Becky will make a Doodle Poll, so fill it out!
- First Year Rep: We get to look at the first years and see who’s in ed! Becky has a first year rep flyer to give out at the advising session. The deadline for applications is September 20.
- First Year Advising Session: We’re all going to Friday to help out and also see who the first years are! Becky will introduce MEdUSA and then we’ll do a brief explanation of what we each do. We’ll also mention the First Year Event and the QBA Meet and Greet. Promoting MEdUSA! Becky’s been updating the Footbook. It’s been approved! We’re going to have some copies on Friday.
- First Year Event: September 27! We want to announce on Friday. It’ll be in the 8th Floor Lounge at 19:00. Get a liquor license ASAP. We need “Hello My Name Is” tags. We can also sell the peg necklaces at the event for the first time.
- Council Retreat: David has a cottage we could go to. We could get some work done and possibly do some stuff with the sweaters. We’re planning on the weekend after the First Year Event (weekend of Sept 27).
- First Year Buddies: Becky’s made a questionnaire for both the new students and the music ed students to get feedback so we can improve it for next year.
- Council Liaisons: Naomi is EdUS, Becky is QBA, First Year Rep is MUSA. We also need a liaison for QMEA.
- QBA Meet and Greet: Don’t really have any info. Most likely September 12. Everyone should go! Becky will get more information for us.
- QMEA Fundraiser: This is for El Sistema but organized with QMEA. Naomi is mass producing peg necklaces (and keychains). She may need help to make them. She’s also going to make kits so that the El Sistema moms can finish making the necklaces, especially once classes start. There’s a flyer with an order form to order the necklaces or keychains. There will be a master list with all the orders so everyone can see what’s going on. We can get a percentage of the fees from the necklaces. We think 10% is a good number.
- Music Ed Student List: We need to get a list of the first years and minor music ed. Heather needs to update the general assembly email list on gmail for this year.
- Fall Conferences: QBA, FAMEQ, OMEA. Kathleen will do one email featuring all the conferences to get people to sign up!
- Enews: Send it out after the next meeting
- Homework: Becky sends out an email with everyone’s homework after each meeting. Make sure it gets done!
- Next Meeting Time/Place: Becky will make a Doodle for this.