MEdUSA Executive Council
Friday, 5th of September, 2014
6th Floor Conference Room
Minutes taken by: Kathleen Booth (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Heather Worling)
✓VP Communications (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Social (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Academic (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Professional Development (Becky ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
Welcome: Meeting begins 17:12 at motioned by Heather seconded by Naomi
QBA meet and greet Wednesday at 7, Trois Brasseurs on Crescent.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved by Heather and seconded by Becky
Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved by Becky and seconded by Naomi
Agenda & Proceedings:
Next Meeting: Thursday, 11th of September, 4pm
Adjournment: Rebecca motions to close the meeting at 17:59, Douglas seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
Friday, 5th of September, 2014
6th Floor Conference Room
Minutes taken by: Kathleen Booth (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Heather Worling)
✓VP Communications (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Social (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Academic (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Professional Development (Becky ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
Welcome: Meeting begins 17:12 at motioned by Heather seconded by Naomi
QBA meet and greet Wednesday at 7, Trois Brasseurs on Crescent.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved by Heather and seconded by Becky
Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved by Becky and seconded by Naomi
Agenda & Proceedings:
- Extra Projects - everyone on the council has to have an extra project! Everyone on council should start thinking about it. A google doc will be made to brainstorm ideas. Reminder that there is a report due by the first meeting of the month to recap what has been accomplished for the extra project.
- Bios/Photos for Website - Kathleen will update the council page of the website.
- Office Hours - Heather will make a doodle to sign up for office hours. One hour per week for each council member.
- Standard Meeting Time - Cannot set one up currently. Will discuss at a later date.
- Music Monday - David approached Becky and wants MEdUSA to participate. Music Monday runs in May. Becky will set up a meeting regarding participation and brainstorming for Music Monday.
- Classroom Announcements - Becky made a list of currently running music ed classes. Wants to assign a person to each class to be the liaison, make announcements on behalf of the council, etc. All reps would need to be aware of the ENEWS items. Reminder a few days before event is scheduled
- Retreat - Alternative: go for brunch, meeting and hang out at someone’s apartment. Saturday after Welcome Back Cocktail Party. Around 3pm/just after (depending on Doug’s schedule), eat foods, bond and such. MEdUSA will supplement until a cap, anything more will be paid for by the council members.
- EdUS - Their meeting time is every other Tuesday night 7-8. Would like a MEdUSA rep on their council. Could be an extra project.
- Minor Registration for Music Ed Courses - Doug spoke to Lisa. There is a serious issue with Minerva - minor music ed students are unable to register for any music ed courses and require an override. Cannot be dealt with, they just require an override.
- Drum Circle - Student Life and Learning contacted Naomi over the summer and they would like to run the drum circle this exam period. MEdUSA voted in favour of this initiative. Another initiative put forth by the council is biweekly drum circle being run. We can collaborate with MUSA to put this idea into motion. Naomi’s extra project.
- First Year Event - THE ROOM IS BOOOOOKED! 8th floor lounge on the 26th of September. There is a graduate colloquium until 6pm and we have the room from 6pm until the building closes. Must be super efficient about getting the room and set up. Get groceries before-hand. No theme, just semi-formal dress. OFFICIAL RENAME: “WELCOME BACK COCKTAIL PARTY”
- Festivus - Lisa has requested dates for all of our events for the whole year ASAP. Council has decided that the event will be Friday, 5th of December at 7pm! Will discuss with Chris Middleton regarding alcohol.
Next Meeting: Thursday, 11th of September, 4pm
Adjournment: Rebecca motions to close the meeting at 17:59, Douglas seconds.