MEdUSA Executive Council
29 January, 2015
MEdUSA Office
Minutes taken by: Kathleen Booth (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Heather Worling)
✓VP Communications (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Professional Development (Becky ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
VP Social (Naomi Garrett)
VP Academic (Doug Giroux)
First Year Representative (Trevor Tsui)
Music Ed Minor Representative (Christopher Middleton)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 19:37 motioned by Heather seconded by Gill
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved by Heather and seconded by Becky
Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved by Becky and seconded by Heather
Agenda & Proceedings:
Next Meeting: Next Thursday, 7:30
Adjournment: Rebecca motions to close the meeting at 19:59, Gillian seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
29 January, 2015
MEdUSA Office
Minutes taken by: Kathleen Booth (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Heather Worling)
✓VP Communications (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Professional Development (Becky ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
VP Social (Naomi Garrett)
VP Academic (Doug Giroux)
First Year Representative (Trevor Tsui)
Music Ed Minor Representative (Christopher Middleton)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 19:37 motioned by Heather seconded by Gill
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved by Heather and seconded by Becky
Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved by Becky and seconded by Heather
Agenda & Proceedings:
- Sweaters - Gill got a reply. Should be here next Tuesday. We will not be using this company again due to issues with communication and purchasing. The company has been painstakingly slow and an all around mess.
- Special Project - Working on creating a special project proposal with Lisa and Alain to combat poor lab band attendance this semester. After a meeting with Lisa (hopefully soon), we’ll send an email out to the GA. The MUGT special project would include at minimum attendance to Lab Band as a player (preferably on their principal instrument or a strong second/third instrument). Possible crossover with New Horizons, but that’s secondary. Any thoughts on additional requirements that could benefit music ed? Hopefully will be sending out email in the next couple days.
- ENEWS - See secondary document
Next Meeting: Next Thursday, 7:30
Adjournment: Rebecca motions to close the meeting at 19:59, Gillian seconds.