MEDUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, January 9th, 16h30
Minutes taken by: Elizabeth Huyer (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Elizabeth Huyer)
✓VP Social (Dan Duguay & Sean Mayes)
✓VP Finance (Diana Gorham)
✓VP Academic (Sarah Caruso)
✓VP Professional Development (Nathan Rickey)
✓First Year Representative (Heather Worling)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16h37 motioned by Liz, seconded by Sarah.
Announcements: Happy New Year. This week is long. We are all here! Welcome Andrew!
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Sarah seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Sarah motions to approve, Diana seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Adjournment: Liz motions to close the meeting at 6:15 pm, Sam seconds.
MEDUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, January 9th, 16h30
Minutes taken by: Elizabeth Huyer (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Elizabeth Huyer)
✓VP Social (Dan Duguay & Sean Mayes)
✓VP Finance (Diana Gorham)
✓VP Academic (Sarah Caruso)
✓VP Professional Development (Nathan Rickey)
✓First Year Representative (Heather Worling)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16h37 motioned by Liz, seconded by Sarah.
Announcements: Happy New Year. This week is long. We are all here! Welcome Andrew!
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Sarah seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Sarah motions to approve, Diana seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
- Server Training: Nathan, Sean and Heather are not yet server trained. They will do so as soon as possible.
- Semester Proposals: Proposals will be due Wednesday, January 23rd at the meeting. Positions responsible are Social, Finance, Prof Dev.
- Office Hours: Everyone needs to respond to the doodle poll that Becky will set up. This schedule will be for the first six weeks of semester only.
- EdUS & MUSA Representatives: Sarah will continue to be the EdUS Representative. MUSA representative is TBC depending on who can make the meeting time. If Sarah can’t make it, Becky can also potentially attend.
- Mailing List/Minor in Music Ed: Minor in Music Ed students are not receiving E-News updates, and should be added to this list. Becky suggests that MEdUSA receive fees from MUSA for those doing their Minor in Music Ed. Diana will look into this. In order to get an updated list from Lisa for who is signed up for the minor, Liz will contact her once again.
- Elections: Since many council members are graduating, everyone needs to talk up the council to the general music education population. Polling period is set for February 11-13. Sean volunteers to be the Chief Electoral Officer, with support from Sam, Sarah, and Liz.
- Choral Conducting Masterclass: Everything is setup for coaching with Patricia. Anyone is welcome to attend, and this will be advertised through the E-News. Francois has refused the $100 offered to him, and it seems Patricia will accept.
- Upcoming Workshops:
- QBA Mentoring: Dates are set for this semester so far as February 18th, March 11th (tentative), and April 8th.
- MEdUSA-Funded Workshops: Greg and Nick (Garage Band) will present their workshop on January 21st at 7pm. Jennifer Hayden (Elementary Classroom Management) is set for January 30th, at approximately 6pm.
- Festivus Followup: Diana is still processing reimbursements for this. Dan will provide her with an invoice for the liquor that came from Lisa. Attendance was approximately 30 including the council, with almost all music education.
- Sweaters: Still waiting for a response from the EdUS representative for this. Sarah will continue to try to contacting her at the meetings, and Diana will contact the Quality Sport contact directly ([email protected]).
- QBA Beginner Honour Band: Liz will include this in the E-News, and have anyone interested contact Andrew Mangal. Liz will also contact Lisa about having her class volunteer for either event.
- Extra projects:
- Office Cleaning: Things to do are: Removing extra objects, organizing what’s there, cleaning. Meet on Sunday at 2pm to clean out the office.
- Copy Card: Liz is working on this, will contact Lisa.
- Database for Stage: Liz has started this, will bring it to the council when more advice and input is helpful.
- Field Experience Working Group (EdUS): Sarah will follow up.
- Sweaters: Ongoing (Diana)
- Footbook: Almost complete (Diana)
- Constitution: Looking not good (Liz)
- Website: Continue to send any interesting websites/resources to Becky to be added to the website. Events and Professional Development are continued to the edited. Liz will add the minutes directly to the website once they are approved. Sam will also add photos.
- MUSA GA Report: Becky attended, reports that the Masters program for Music Education is still very up in the air. Student involvement seems very vague. Becky will contact Lisa about becoming involved in the planning process.
- VP Finance Update/Cash Box/Fundraisers: Diana is in the process of confirming budgets from both EdUS and MUSA. The cashbox theft has been reported to security. Diana will purchase a new cashbox.
- E-News:
- QBA Beginner Honour Band (Liz)
- Conducting Masterclass - January 16th, 12pm, Tanna (Liz)
- Garage Band Workshop (Nathan)
- Classroom Management Workshop (Nathan)
- QMEA Orff Workshop (Liz)
- Election (Liz)
- Resource Library (Sean)
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 16th and 4:30pm. Room TBC.
Adjournment: Liz motions to close the meeting at 6:15 pm, Sam seconds.