MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, October 23, 19:00
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton, David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 19:11 motioned by Becky seconded by Chris
QBA Conference is this weekend!
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Chris motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
VP Academic
VP Professional Development
VP Finance
VP Social
Adjournment: Chris motions to close the meeting at 20:55, Naomi seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, October 23, 19:00
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton, David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 19:11 motioned by Becky seconded by Chris
QBA Conference is this weekend!
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Chris motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
VP Academic
- Viva Sistema Fundraiser: The treasurer of QMEA has ordered Naomi keyrings. Theodora has more materials for more necklaces/keyrings that Naomi is going to pick up tomorrow. She will go to the next QMEA meeting to find out more and sort out ordering. As for ordering, the treasurer is looking into the various options we suggested earlier. Naomi and Kathleen are going to try and meet with Theodora tomorrow when Naomi goes to pick up supplies. They will hopefully figure out what’s going on and how the whole process is going to work.
- EdUS Report: They are in the process of doing their elections. The current step is nomination and next week is the time for voting. FEWG has not met and EdUS doesn’t seem sure if they still exist. Their winter ball (Mech-Ed) is likely to be November 23 in the SSMU Ballroom. This year’s theme is the Great Gatsby. They are having a Rocky Horror event today and November 2.
VP Professional Development
- Alain Juteau: Kathleen has received confirmation. He will be arriving at 18:30. Naomi will help him to set up what he needs in the media room.
- Alain Cazes: Alain is excited to be doing this. He will give up one of the wind symphony rehearsals, probably towards the end of January. Kathleen has emailed Jonathan about lessons but hasn’t heard back yet.
- QMEA Questions: Things to bring up at the next meeting: CMEA chapter, more efficient communication
- Kristen Malbranck: Kathleen emailed Kristen but hasn’t heard back yet. Kathleen will look for other options as well.
VP Finance
- Sweaters: We got 21 sweater orders! Becky and Gill met with Jason and gave him all the money and order forms. They should be coming within 3 weeks.
- Reimbursements: Tabled until next meeting.
VP Social
- Events: Becky discovered that we planned our showcase on the same night as the MGSO Holst concert. Therefore, we should change the date. The new date is April 4. Lisa was asking today about when the events are. Chris hasn’t heard back from the room booking office. He will email them back to confirm. Chris got a lot of free Christmas cards from his grandfather we can use for Festivus.
- Music Ed Goes: The first event is supposed to be this Saturday, but it’s the QBA Conference. Chris is going to change the event to bowling instead of laser tag since not so many people can go. He’s going to change it to bowling for Saturday and then have a different event in November as well.
- Horizons Band: A few things that weren’t mentioned last time: There is going to be an item in the SSMU listserv once everything is sorted out so that more people will know about the band. We are going to need to recruit people to help out with the orientation and other future events. Audrey mainly wants us to be involved with publicity and with being in the band once it starts.
- "MEdUSA Report" Document: Some people have edited it already. It’s basically ideas for how to improve our program to tell to EdUS, the Dean, Lisa, or whoever would be most helpful.
- Meeting with Dean: Naomi and Becky have a meeting next week. Tell them anything that needs to be brought to his attention. We want to be told when things are going on that relate to us, or just in general, as opposed to just telling MUSA. We also want some classes that are not offered regularly to be offered more regularly (percussion tech, jazz ped, arranging, etc)
- Newly Registered Students: Heather will email MUSA to find out who they contact for who is doing a minor in music ed so that we can be updated whenever a new student registers for a minor.
- EdUS Constitution: We should get a copy of their constitution so we can find out what it says about us and see if we can change it to get 100% of the student fees.
- QBA Report: There’s a conference this weekend, so there’s also the annual GA. It’s their 10th anniversary in 2014.
- FAMEQ: Becky emailed Zara from FAMEQ. Exciting news: McGill students can register as volunteers and then you can go to the conference for free, apart from a $30 membership. The workshop is the last weekend in November, from Thursday to Saturday. If you speak French, it is awesome! There is no limit for the number of volunteers, but it is register as soon as you can.
- GA: We can still submit motions! We need to get as many people as possible to go, both music ed and people sympathetic to our cause so we can get more money. The two weeks prior we need to advertise like crazy! It is on November 19 at 17:00.
- Weekly Reports: Just a reminder that weekly reports are due by midnight before the meeting. Agenda is due by noon the day of.
- Next Meeting: Next Wednesday at 16:45, A-607
Adjournment: Chris motions to close the meeting at 20:55, Naomi seconds.