Minutes October 22, 2012
MEDUSA Executive Council
Monday, October 22nd, 16h30
Minutes taken by: Elizabeth Huyer (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Elizabeth Huyer)
✓VP Social (Dan Duguay)
✓VP Finance (Diana Gorham)
VP Academic (Sarah Caruso)
✓VP Professional Development (Samantha Parent)
✓First Year Representative (Heather Worling)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16h41 motioned by Liz, seconded by Diana.
Announcements: Dan got a haircut! Becky and Diana’s doorbell was stolen! Condolences to all. ;) QBA Retreat this weekend!
Approval of Minutes: Diana motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Sam motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
1. Professional Development:
3. Percussion Conducting followup: Becky will check if Sarah was able to follow up on this (emailing Lisa, Alain, Shawn Mativetsky, for our suggestion to have Instrumental Conducting students conduct the Percussion Ensemble on a regular basis).
4. EdUS Groups: Tabled to next meeting (after there is an EdUS meeting).
5. QBA Mentoring Workshop Report: Workshop went well, would have been good to have more people who hadn’t yet met Teresa. Attendance was good (around 15).
6. Conference Rebates: Seven people have replied to the E-News for the conference subsidy. The budget for all of these is $160, which will be divided among the seven applicants.
7. Next Meeting Time: Monday, October 29th, 4:30pm, A-607.
Adjournment: Liz motions to close the meeting at 5:32pm, Becky seconds.
MEDUSA Executive Council
Monday, October 22nd, 16h30
Minutes taken by: Elizabeth Huyer (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Elizabeth Huyer)
✓VP Social (Dan Duguay)
✓VP Finance (Diana Gorham)
VP Academic (Sarah Caruso)
✓VP Professional Development (Samantha Parent)
✓First Year Representative (Heather Worling)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16h41 motioned by Liz, seconded by Diana.
Announcements: Dan got a haircut! Becky and Diana’s doorbell was stolen! Condolences to all. ;) QBA Retreat this weekend!
Approval of Minutes: Diana motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Sam motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
1. Professional Development:
- QBA Finalized Dates: For next semester, the dates are as follows: February 18th, March 11th, April 8th. Sam will be in Ontario at this time, so Nathan will be organising from February onwards.
- Reimbursement Procedure for QBA Workshops: The reimbursement procedure is the same as last year, filling out the form in the MEdUSA office, and submitting to Diana.
- Lisa Budget Spending Options (Creating Concert Programs): The approximate budget from Lisa is $600, which she will be confirming in January. Lisa will be organising a workshop with the Performance Department on Organising Student Concerts (both for private studios and school groups). Council brainstorms, and decides that the budget from Lisa will be used for the following: Native American Drumming Workshop, a coach for the Choral Conducting Workshop, and Classroom Management Workshop (Jenn Hayden).
- Conducting Workshop Date Approval: December 4th was proposed, but it conflicts with the Lab Band Dress Rehearsal. Sam will suggest earlier in the semester (end of November).
3. Percussion Conducting followup: Becky will check if Sarah was able to follow up on this (emailing Lisa, Alain, Shawn Mativetsky, for our suggestion to have Instrumental Conducting students conduct the Percussion Ensemble on a regular basis).
4. EdUS Groups: Tabled to next meeting (after there is an EdUS meeting).
5. QBA Mentoring Workshop Report: Workshop went well, would have been good to have more people who hadn’t yet met Teresa. Attendance was good (around 15).
6. Conference Rebates: Seven people have replied to the E-News for the conference subsidy. The budget for all of these is $160, which will be divided among the seven applicants.
7. Next Meeting Time: Monday, October 29th, 4:30pm, A-607.
Adjournment: Liz motions to close the meeting at 5:32pm, Becky seconds.