MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, January 29, 17:30
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton, David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:37 motioned by Chris seconded by Kathleen
We are currently winning the food drive, with our 3 cans!
Approval of Minutes: Chris motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Chris motions to approve, David seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development
Adjournment: Chris motions to close the meeting at 18:40, Kathleen seconds
MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, January 29, 17:30
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton, David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:37 motioned by Chris seconded by Kathleen
We are currently winning the food drive, with our 3 cans!
Approval of Minutes: Chris motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Chris motions to approve, David seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development
- Cordell Workshop: It was fun! It was informative and Cordell is really funny. There were eight people there, 10 counting Teresa and Cordell’s wife. We should have more jazz focused workshops, at least once a year.
- Peter Freeman/Steve Dubinsky: Since Kristen can no longer host a workshop, Kathleen had an idea for another one, courtesy of Joanna. We’re thinking of a advanced woodwind problem workshop, or an emergency repair workshop. We’re also thinking that we were planning on doing a woodwind repair workshop next fall, but this would be more of emergency repair, not general repair. Peter suggested contacting Steve Dubinsky, which Kathleen will do. She will also email some more people about getting more workshops.
- Alain and Jonathan: The masterclass is tomorrow! Kathleen has some wine for each of them and a card. The lessons with Jonathan were really good. Jonathan will be recording everything for the participants.
- Music Ed Goes: Ice skating is Friday. The meeting is at 18:30 at the music building to walk over together, and then everyone will go out after. The activity for February will be going to The Lego Movie, probably the week after the premiere.
- Young Alumni Panel: The participants will be Vanessa Coderre, Sean Mayes, and Liz Huyer. We’re thinking about doing it either March 21 or 28, depending on their availability. Becky will continue to email alumni to try and get more panelists.
- Showcase: The theme is SPACEEEE! See the semester proposal for more details. The concert cannot be in the 8th floor lounge, so it will be in C304. We have it booked from 17:00-19:00. Chris will email Lisa about the liquor license.
- Enews: It will be sent out Monday, so send Heather your blurbs by then!
- Grilled Cheese Sale: Chris suggested we add more food and drinks, but we don’t think it’s necessary. We’ll stick with coffee and grilled cheese, plus we’ll add the hot chocolate we have. For fixings we’ll have tomatoes, onions, pickles, and ham.
- QMEA: The necklaces will be sold at Kerry’s personal concerts. The QMEA haven’t sold any yet. There was nothing else that pertained to us.
- EdUS: They’re having a charity week February 10-14. Everyday there’s a different event. There will be a thrift shop on the Wednesday and a 5 a 7 on Thursday. Bring your old stuff to Naomi for the thrift shop! The food drive is still going on. On February 14 there’ll be another pancake breakfast. The career fair is Monday, and they’re encouraging students from all years to go. It’s from 10-2.
- Music Ed Fundraiser: Wes met with Lisa, who said she sent the instrument wishlist to the building director before break. They were supposed to pass it on to Kelly Rice, but they didn’t. Wes met with Kelly Rice who said that he didn’t know Lisa was involved. Now Kelly and Lisa are going to meet to figure it out.
- Business Cards: Kathleen has the design, so we can have them printed out. Wes will ask at Tonal Ecstasy to find out where they got their cards printed.
- Drum Circle: Last Friday the world drumming class had an open drum circle and a lot of people asked if we would have another one. Shawn suggested that MEdUSA could organize a monthly drum circle since we have access to the music ed drums. We think this is a great idea since it was such a huge success and a great stress relief. Heather will look into dates and rooms. This will be open to all music students, with a maximum of 30 students per circle.
- Publicized Meeting: The meeting will be February 12 at 16:30.
- Elections: Dates for the polling period are February 24-26. The form will be due February 17 so we have a chance to approve everyone.
- Next Meeting: Next Wednesday, same time, same place.
Adjournment: Chris motions to close the meeting at 18:40, Kathleen seconds