MEdUSA Executive Council
26 March, 2015
Minutes taken by: Kathleen Booth (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Heather Worling)
✓VP Communications (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Social (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
VP Academic (Doug Giroux)
VP Professional Development (Becky ‘tMannetje)
Music Ed Minor Representative (Christopher Middleton)
First Year Representative (Trevor Tsui)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 19:50 motioned by Heather seconded by Naomi
Nothing to report.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved by Naomi and seconded by Heather
Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved by Heather and seconded by Gillian
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development
Next Meeting: Thursday, 2 April, 2015, 7:30 pm.
Adjournment: Naomi motions to close the meeting at 20:14, Heather seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
26 March, 2015
Minutes taken by: Kathleen Booth (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Heather Worling)
✓VP Communications (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Social (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
VP Academic (Doug Giroux)
VP Professional Development (Becky ‘tMannetje)
Music Ed Minor Representative (Christopher Middleton)
First Year Representative (Trevor Tsui)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 19:50 motioned by Heather seconded by Naomi
Nothing to report.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved by Naomi and seconded by Heather
Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved by Heather and seconded by Gillian
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development
- Conducting Symposium - MEdUSA now has a poster and information. Form and cheque due by April 30th. MEdUSA’s logo is on the advertisement - so we will advertise the bajeezus out of this event. $100 rebate and raffle (which will be held at showcase).
- Drum Circle Facilitation - Monday at 6:30, three people have signed up so far. We should advertise more to get more people excited/interested. We can share the event on Facebook and contact people word-of-mouth.
- Elizabeth Lanzer Workshop - 27 people attended (record!). It was super interesting and very helpful. She was a great resource.
- Vocal Workshop Proposal - Irene has been talking to Lisa regarding a keyboard proficiency style class for voice, which we, on council, think is a brilliant idea. Suggestion would be beginning in the fall, running for 6 - 8 weeks. We will work with Irene and Lisa to facilitate this program. This would be a program for the entire music faculty.
- ENEWS - All blurbs by Saturday noon, E-NEWS out by Saturday evening.
- EdUS - There are only 33 concurrent students, and approximately 15 advanced standing. MEdUSA is aimed at concurrent students, and our mandate is to provide services and opportunities. By unanimous vote, MEdUSA will remain apolitical.
Next Meeting: Thursday, 2 April, 2015, 7:30 pm.
Adjournment: Naomi motions to close the meeting at 20:14, Heather seconds.