MEdUSA Executive Council
Thursday, January 28, 15:00
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Eve-Marie Boileau)
✓VP Academic (Colin Enright)
✓VP Professional Development (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen and Pei Yao Xu)
✓First Year Rep (Kyle Martis)
✓Advanced Placement Rep (Toby Moisey)
Members-at-large (Kathleen Booth, Sofiya Lipova, Nicole Tempas)
President (Naomi Garrett)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 15:06 motioned by Doug seconded by Toby
Sound Recording Workshop is tonight!
Approval of Minutes:
January 14: Colin motions to approve, Eve-Marie seconds.
January 21: Doug motions to approve, Toby seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Pei motions to approve, Doug seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development
Next Meeting: Next week Thursday at 5:30, room TBD.
Adjournment: Pei motions to close the meeting at 15:32, Toby seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
Thursday, January 28, 15:00
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Eve-Marie Boileau)
✓VP Academic (Colin Enright)
✓VP Professional Development (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen and Pei Yao Xu)
✓First Year Rep (Kyle Martis)
✓Advanced Placement Rep (Toby Moisey)
Members-at-large (Kathleen Booth, Sofiya Lipova, Nicole Tempas)
President (Naomi Garrett)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 15:06 motioned by Doug seconded by Toby
Sound Recording Workshop is tonight!
Approval of Minutes:
January 14: Colin motions to approve, Eve-Marie seconds.
January 21: Doug motions to approve, Toby seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Pei motions to approve, Doug seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development
- Sound Recording Workshop: It’s this evening at 18:00 in A-410.
- Conducting Masterclass: Doug has told the participants to contact Jonathan directly to set up a lesson. It is next Tuesday.
- Ukulele Workshop: It will be February 16 at 18:00.
- Budget: Tabled.
- Swag: Still waiting to hear from the company.
- Grilled Cheese Sale: We will start advertising. Pei will set up a doodle to determine when exactly people will be working.
- Extra Project Reports: Due at the end of the month.
- EdUS: See report.
- YAP: Eve-Marie has emailed David and is working on contacting the others. Other people on the council will help find out the emails of everyone.
- ENEWS: Blurbs are due Sunday night.
- Constitution: We updated it yesterday. It’s in the drive and on the website.
Next Meeting: Next week Thursday at 5:30, room TBD.
Adjournment: Pei motions to close the meeting at 15:32, Toby seconds.