MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, March 12, 17:30
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton, David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:37 motioned by David seconded by Chris
Workshop tomorrow!
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Chris motions to approve, Kathleen seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development
Adjournment: Chris motions to close the meeting at 18:19, Wes seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, March 12, 17:30
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton, David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:37 motioned by David seconded by Chris
Workshop tomorrow!
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Chris motions to approve, Kathleen seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
- Website: VP Communications will now be responsible for updating the website with all events.
- Semester Budget: Becky motions to approve, Kathleen seconds.
- SSMU Space Fund: Gill applied but the application was rejected because they didn’t have enough funds, even though we said that we would take any amount of money. Gill sent up a follow-up email but hasn’t heard back yet.
Professional Development
- Steve Dubinsky: The workshop is tomorrow, weather permitting. It’s at 18:00 in E109.
- Young Alumni Panel: It counts as a workshop for general music. The library closes early on the Friday that it’s on. We have C204 booked, but right at 7 because there’s a class before. David will look into getting a room at a hotel so that we can drink there and have the panel. We can also look into using a room in a residence (RVC West Lounge, C4 Ballroom). We have had offers from more alumni (Nicola Miller, Beth McKenna, and Emily Curtis) but we think 5 is enough. We will invite them for next year. We had decided on the time at 6:30, but it said 7 in the enews. We’re going to keep it at 7.
- Showcase: Lisa sent us the liquor license, but it had the wrong date on it, so Chris emailed her back with the right date and times. We have sent out a call for performers but haven’t received any yet. Everyone promote the showcase!
- Meeting with the Dean: It was today. There are notes on Google Drive.
- Special Projects: There is only one month left! There will be a wrap-up report in April.
- QMEA Fundraiser: It’s on the website and it’s in the enews. We’re going to make posters and who will advertise it. We’ve sold 10 necklaces. We only have 6 in our possession right now, as the QMEA has 4. So there are not enough necklaces to promote this a lot. If we get keyrings we can promote that hugely. There is going to be a meeting between QMEA and MEdUSA about this project. The meeting will involve Becky, Naomi, Kathleen, Kerry and Valerie.
- First Year Buddies: Heather has done something similar before, so she will take charge of this.
- Event Board: It would be nice to have a whiteboard in the office window that we can put upcoming events on. David will look into it.
- Next Meeting: Next Thursday right after gen music.
Adjournment: Chris motions to close the meeting at 18:19, Wes seconds.