MEdUSA Executive Council
Friday, December 6, 17:00
8th Floor Lounge
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
VP Social (Chris Middleton)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:52 motioned by Becky seconded by Kathleen
It’s Festivus!
Classes are over! Good luck on exams!
We got our sweaters!
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, David seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Kathleen motions to approve, Wes seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
VP Professional Development
VP Social
VP Finance
Adjournment: Becky motions to close the meeting at 18:25, Chris seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
Friday, December 6, 17:00
8th Floor Lounge
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
VP Social (Chris Middleton)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:52 motioned by Becky seconded by Kathleen
It’s Festivus!
Classes are over! Good luck on exams!
We got our sweaters!
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, David seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Kathleen motions to approve, Wes seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
VP Professional Development
- Stephane Crete: He gave an amazing workshop last week! It was really inspiring. Heather is going to put the information he gave us on the website so everyone can access it.
- Instrumental Conducting: Kathleen is still in contact with Alain and Jonathan. Jonathan will be paid for his time. Kathleen will talk to Sam to confirm how much he will be paid. The repertoire list has been sent out and people have been asked to choose what they want to conduct.
- Kristen Malbranck: Kathleen is thinking of having it mid-February, which is also in the middle of the semester. We will see what works with Kristen’s schedule. It will have to be on a Thursday though because of guitar class and other conflicts.
- Miriam Hartropp: Kathleen will email her soon, after she is done with exams.
VP Social
- Festivus: It’s tonight!
- New Horizons Volunteers: They are looking for volunteers for the orientation session, specifically people who want to present their instruments. An email about this will be sent out next week.
VP Finance
- Budget: In the past the money has rolled over from previous years. We think that the alcohol was paid for last year and it was a mistake that it was rolled over. We have some money from EdUS from last year that was untouched, which if we could get would be awesome. We also got an email from Katie about our request to get 100% of our students fees. Katie says that we are getting 100% because the concurrent students only pay a half fee. However, we do actually pay the whole fee, so we are going to find out what is going on there. She suggests we could propose a fee increase, but we’re going to sort out the whole fee/half fee thing. She also says we can apply for money for specific events (like conferences) which could be a way we can reimburse people who go to conferences.
- Meeting with Building Director: Becky and Heather went to talk to him yesterday about the percussion closet. He said that we can’t use the empty office but he would think about possible other solutions for the problem.
- Publicity: Make posters! And put them up at a minimum one week before, preferably two weeks. Next semester we are going to have to update the music ed board so it’s current. Also, update the calendar on the website as soon as you know a date.
Adjournment: Becky motions to close the meeting at 18:25, Chris seconds.