MEdUSA Executive Council
Thursday, January 14, 17:30
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Eve-Marie Boileau)
✓VP Academic (Colin Enright)
✓VP Professional Development (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen and Pei Yao Xu)
✓First Year Rep (Kyle Martis)
✓Advanced Placement Rep (Toby Moisey)
Members-at-large (Kathleen Booth)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:40 motioned by Toby seconded by Doug
Welcome back!
Happy New Year!
Approval of Minutes: Naomi motions to approve, Pei seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Naomi motions to approve, Colin seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development
Adjournment: Naomi motions to close the meeting at 18:56, Doug seconds
MEdUSA Executive Council
Thursday, January 14, 17:30
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Eve-Marie Boileau)
✓VP Academic (Colin Enright)
✓VP Professional Development (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen and Pei Yao Xu)
✓First Year Rep (Kyle Martis)
✓Advanced Placement Rep (Toby Moisey)
Members-at-large (Kathleen Booth)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:40 motioned by Toby seconded by Doug
Welcome back!
Happy New Year!
Approval of Minutes: Naomi motions to approve, Pei seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Naomi motions to approve, Colin seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
- Festivus: It was pretty successful. There were 29 people in attendance. The office was messy after we took things down from the lounge so for the next event we should not leave until everything is cleaned up and put away.
- YAP: Ideas for who to ask: Christian, Marcin, David, Joanna. Possible dates are the week of March 7 and the week of March 14.
- BBQ: This is instead of Showcase. Our plan is April 15. We want to have it outside but if it rains we will use the music caf and use the MEdUSA stamp to show who is at our event. Eve-Marie should contact Diana or EdUS to ask about how they got the BBQs from McGill.
- Formal Dinner: We mentioned this at the retreat. In the past, MEdUSA has organized a formal dinner for graduating students. We organize it but don’t pay for it.
- EdUS: See report.
- Semester Proposals: Doug and Eve-Marie have to write a semester proposal by January 31.
- QBA: It was a joint meeting with the QMEA. They are getting a new website. Because Lisa is not offering General Music for Adults and Teenagers there is not the bank of volunteers for Honour Band this year. Doug is going to contact Helene, Trevor, Peter, and other technique teachers to try and get them to have students volunteer. It is February 12 and 13.
- Budget: MUSA has not gotten back to us. Tabled.
- Swag: Gill is waiting on our logo to be changed to the correct format. Once that is in the website will be set up. Gill has emailed them.
- Grilled Cheese Sale: It will be on February 17 which is the week before stage. We will use Eve-Marie and Naomi’s grills. Pei will book the tables and let the building director know that we are going to have it.
Professional Development
- Conducting Workshop: It will be on February 2. We are waiting to hear from Alain about what the pieces will be. Kyle will confirm will Alain tomorrow about the pieces. It will be a 24 hour period to respond and then a random drawing of names. If you have done a conducting workshop through MEdUSA in the past two years, you cannot enter your name for the draw. We will put this in the ENEWS and send a separate email.
- Workshops: The next workshop is January 28 at 18:00 in A-410 with Philip Parenteau about Sound Recording. Doug is going to give a ukulele workshop. He will also schedule a brass repair workshop with Steve Dubinsky. We may also do a percussion repair workshop with Shawn Mativetsky.
- ENEWS: Blurbs are due now. It will go out tomorrow morning.
- Elections: Naomi is the CEO. The elections will be February 16-18. We need to recruit a lot of people because so many people are graduating.
- Music Ed Board: Naomi has a border. There is some paper in the office but the rest was stolen.
- Drum Circle: Our volunteer member-at-large will no longer be organizing the drum circle.
- Constitution Subcommittee: We will meet Monday mornings. Hopefully January 25, pending the confirmation of the members-at-large.
- Meeting with the Dean: Things to bring up: our semester plan, new merchandise platform
Adjournment: Naomi motions to close the meeting at 18:56, Doug seconds