MEdUSA Executive Council
Thursday, September 5, 11:30
Presse Cafe
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Socials (Chris Middleton, David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
First Year Representative (TBD)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 11:35 motioned by Kathleen, seconded by Chris
Naomi might need help with necklaces
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Kathleen motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
VP Academic:
VP Comm
VP Socials
VP Finance
VP Prof Dev
Adjournment: Becky motions to close the meeting at 12:53, Chris seconds
MEdUSA Executive Council
Thursday, September 5, 11:30
Presse Cafe
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Socials (Chris Middleton, David Peretz-Larochelle)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
First Year Representative (TBD)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 11:35 motioned by Kathleen, seconded by Chris
Naomi might need help with necklaces
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Kathleen motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
VP Academic:
- Constitution: Proposal to amend the constitution: Naomi motions, Becky seconds. The subcommittee will be formed October. We have changes for the VP Academic position and Minor in Music Ed
- FEWG: Naomi represents Music Ed in FEWG (Field Experience Working Group). Any concerns about stage can be brought to Naomi to be brought up during FEWG. She already has a few things to advocate (our own music ed seminar, only music teachers for co-op and supervising teachers)
- Masters vs Concurrent: Not going to change. Hooray!!!!!
- Second Teachables in Ontario: Apparently there’s no specific number of credits you need. Basically just take as many credits as possible. Plus you also have to take a methods course for the other subject. So either do that here or do it in Ontario later.
- Student Academic Complaint Form: Naomi has made a form for students to fill out if they have complaints about courses. We all approve the form. It’ll be up on our (shared) office door for students to use.
- EdUS Report: Welcome Back BBQ is September 13. Free food! We’re invited to have a table and as many people should come as possible. Time TBD. We can get EdUS shirts to wear. Their first bar thing is September 19. If you want to meet the council, you should go! PED talks are coming back (aka TED talks about Pedagogy). If we have any requests for talks let Naomi know. October 4 is Education Pride Day. There will be a colour to wear to let people know you’re in education.
- QMEA Fundraiser: Naomi really needs help. Becky is making the order form. Necklace making party! We could combine our next meeting with necklace making.
VP Comm
- Website (bios and pics, minutes): Everyone who hasn’t needs to send me their bios! I’ll also be posting the minutes and updating the calendar.
- 1st year emails: Contact Lisa to find a list of all the ed students. Contact MUSA for minor in music ed and cc Danuta and Marie
VP Socials
- 1st year event: James Bond themed. Black tie heavily enforced. We have to get our own liquor license now, and that’s happening. We’re planning on getting martini glasses but not necessarily martinis. Room is coming along. Email ideas for cocktails by Sunday. Event proposal is due next week for this event. Make posters so that people know about it!
VP Finance
- Sweaters?: Gill’s meeting Diana this evening (hopefully) to discuss everything.
VP Prof Dev
- Shawn Mativetsky's workshop: He’s agreed to do a workshop. It’s going to be our non-QBA one. The topic will be percussion repair. Tentative date is Wednesday October 2.
- QBA workshops: She hasn’t heard from anyone about these workshops, but she’s working on it. Kathleen has a possible contact from Ontario, but it might not work because we’d have to pay her. Possible for next semester.
- Fall conferences: Getting a list. Kathleen will send out an email about all the conferences once we have all the emails.
- Office hours: Will start next week. There’ll be a Doodle.
- The big move: Meeting with the Dean tomorrow to discuss “space issues.” Becky will focus on communication between MEdUSA and the Dean. The move will be on Sunday. Apparently there’s a rec room that we can use to store stuff. MUSA will have to clean everything up so we can move in. We’ll meet at 15:00 on Sunday. Bring cleaning supplies!
- MUSA and QMEA reps: Someone needs to go to the meetings until we have a first year rep. There will be a max of two meetings. Gill will go!
- Website (how to do/events): Becky will send out an email about how to work the website for everyone to see. Various people have to update it.
- Dr. Dale Lonis: He’s an awesome conductor coming to town, courtesy of QBA. He’ll be coming to McGill on October 4. More information to come. Alain is going to get back to Becky with more information.
- First year rep: We have one application! Woo hoo! His paragraph was impressive. Maybe we’ll get more applicants... Deadline is September 20.
- Council retreat: David volunteered his house for us to go to! Hopefully it will work in the budget. Costs will be gas, bus costs. We will leave on Saturday September 28 and get back September 29. Bring sleeping supplies. We need a subcommittee for Planning the Council Retreat. The committee will be Becky, David, Heather, and Kathleen.
- QBA meet and greet: September 12, 16:00-19:00 at Pizzedelic Restaruant, 5556 rue Monkland. First drink is on QBA! This is a good time to become a member of QBA.
- 1st year advising session: This was a huge success! The first years were really happy with us, as was Lisa.
- 1st year buddies: These failed, basically. Not everyone sent emails to the first years, and not all the first years responded. Heather has ideas on making this better, like forwarding the first email you send to whoever’s in charge.
- Extra Projects: A way for people to take initiative and help out music ed. Becky has some ideas. Everybody chooses one thing to do for the whole year. Every month you do an extra project report to update on what you’ve done. Ideas:
- QMEA Rep (Kathleen)
- Website (Becky)
- Photographer (David?)
- McGill Community Band liaison (David)
- Liaison with schools and community (Gillian)
- Resources and Materials (Heather)
- Music Ed Community (Chris)
- QMEA Fundraiser (Naomi)
- Enews: Becky will send a list to Heather. All blurbs must be sent to Heather by Sunday! Heather will send it out Monday or Tuesday.
- Next meeting: Will be in Naomi’s apartment. Meet at the old building on Wednesday September 11 at 18:30.
Adjournment: Becky motions to close the meeting at 12:53, Chris seconds