MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, October 30, 16:45
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
✓VP Social (David Peretz-Larochelle)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16:53 motioned by Chris seconded by Becky.
Music Ed went Bowling!
QBA Conference! Becky is now officially part of the QBA council!
Trevor’s family had a baby! His name is Toby.
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Kathleen motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
First Year Representative
VP Communications
VP Professional Development
VP Social
VP Finance
VP Academic
Adjournment: Becky motions to close the meeting at 18:44, Chris seconds
MEdUSA Executive Council
Wednesday, October 30, 16:45
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Chris Middleton)
✓VP Academic (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Professional Development (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓First Year Representative (Wes Dunham)
✓VP Social (David Peretz-Larochelle)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16:53 motioned by Chris seconded by Becky.
Music Ed went Bowling!
QBA Conference! Becky is now officially part of the QBA council!
Trevor’s family had a baby! His name is Toby.
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Kathleen motions to approve, Chris seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
First Year Representative
- MUSA Report: MUSA minutes were posted last night. A link to them was sent (on Facebook) to a few people on the council, but not everyone. MUSA is not going to show their budget, but they are going to show the MEdUSA-related part. The constitution subcommittee will present the amendments at the GA. On November 17 there is Seamless, which is a leadership training day with free food.
VP Communications
- Newly Registered Students: Heather emailed Nancy to find out who to contact and received the information. She will email Tracy Roach this week to get more information.
- OMEA Conference: This is no longer happening because Coach Canada never responded to either Heather or Alain’s attempts to contact them. Therefore we could not create a budget to submit to the administration. The deadline for telling the OMEA passed, so we are not able to attend next year.
- Enews: It will be sent out Monday morning, so the deadline for sending the blurbs to Heather is Sunday midnight.
VP Professional Development
- Alain Juteau’s Workshop: The workshop is Monday, at 19:00. Naomi will help him set up before the workshop. Encourage people to come because it’s the first QBA Mentor workshop this year.
- QBA Mentor Workshops: Kathleen has still not heard back from Stephane. Becky got a whole list of people from the QBA conference, so Becky will send those to Kathleen, who will email the people on the list and get two more mentors for next semester.
- Kristen Malbranck: Kristen is really excited about the workshop. She is going to talk about getting kids to improvise. There isn’t a date yet. This will be our MEdUSA funded workshop for next semester.
VP Social
- Festivus: The room is now booked. Chris emailed Lisa to get the liquor license.
- Showcase: We can’t use the 8th Floor for the showcase because it disturbs the 7th floor. So we are going to find an alternate room for the showcase, but still use the 8th floor for the party.
- Music Ed Goes: Bowling happened! With Chris, Kathleen, and two non-music ed people. We’re going to promote it more (in lab band, for example) to get more people to come. We’ll also make sure we all add our friends who are in music ed.
VP Finance
- Sweaters: We got $210 from the fundraiser. Gill will redo the budget and see what we can use the money for.
VP Academic
- Meeting with Theodora/QMEA Fundraiser: Naomi and Kathleen met with Theodora. At the end of the meeting Theodora agreed to start smaller, with just selling the necklaces physically. Naomi was going to give her order forms so they can sell them at concerts etc. Then Theodora wants Naomi to work with Kerry (who runs the website) to make an order form on the website, but when she met with him he had no idea about the fundraiser. Kerry doesn’t want an online thing at all because it doesn’t make sense to order online and then pick it up physically. Theodora told Naomi and Kathleen that the council agreed that the necklace would be $25. But, Kerry agrees with us that $25 is really expensive, especially for Sistema students. So Kerry is going to talk to Theodora about all the issues he has. Naomi is going to attend the next QMEA meeting to sort everything out, hopefully. She is also going to try and be there when Kerry meets with Theodora, if it’s possible. Naomi just got an email from Theodora saying that the seller on Amazon does not ship to Montreal, so they are looking into alternatives. Naomi did an informal poll of McGill students of who would buy a necklace if it was $25 and the answer was not good. It was a lot better if it is $20.
- Constitution: There was the first meeting. But they need at least 4 members of the council, so Wes is going to join. They also need a member at large. There will be another meeting soon.
- GA: We reviewed the motions and made suggestions. The GA is on November 19 at 17:00
- FAMEQ: Zara Vallancourt has created an incentive for student councils to encourage their members to attend. The period for the lower student fee has been extended until November 7, and they have to pay by cheque. If 20% of our student population attends, the council would receive $100. 30% = $200, 40%=$500. However, this does not include volunteers. This seems extremely unlikely that this will happen for us, as most people who are going are going as volunteers, and also not enough people in our program speak French well enough to attend.
- Arts Leadership: This is a workshop on November 16 with Linda Gerstle. They are looking for approximately 25 participants. Sara Laimon would like at least 8 people from music ed. It is from 14:00-17:00, it is free, and there’s free food. It’s in the 8th Floor Lounge. It is going to be hands on.
- QBA Report: The conference went really well! There were 9 music ed students total, plus it was the largest attendance ever. McGill Liaison is now an official position in their constitution. 2014 is the 10th anniversary, so the next conference will be lavish.
- Meeting with the Dean: Naomi and Becky went. They told him about the Horizons Band. They asked about space for the percussion closet and were told to talk to Peter Wightman. The music school has a current initiative to get donations, specifically for getting instruments. However, at the moment this is only for performance. We are working on getting them to have an option to donate to music ed. They were also told to speak to Peter Wightman. We are going to make a list of the most urgent repairs/purchases from the technique teachers to give to him. To get more information about courses and when they are offered, we have to speak to Lisa Lorenzino and Christoph Neidhofer (Music Research). We are going to set up a meeting with him once a semester and he is going to come to one of our meetings a year. When we asked about scholarships, he mentioned again that donors like giving to one specific thing (like violin performance) but he will mention setting up a specific music ed scholarship at some meeting sometime. The campaign to get music ed on the donor list will be Wes’s extra project.
- Next Meeting: Monday at 15:45. Room TBD.
Adjournment: Becky motions to close the meeting at 18:44, Chris seconds