Minutes November 19, 2012
MEDUSA Executive Council
Monday, November 19th, 16h30
Minutes taken by: Elizabeth Huyer (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Elizabeth Huyer)
✓VP Social (Sean Mayes)
✓VP Finance (Diana Gorham)
✓VP Academic (Sarah Caruso)
✓VP Professional Development (Samantha Parent)
✓First Year Representative (Heather Worling)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16h39 motioned by Liz, seconded by Sam.
Announcements: FAMEQ is this weekend! Apparently, (fake) thanksgiving is also coming up??
Approval of Minutes: Diana motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Sam motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
1. Professional Development:
Adjournment: Liz motions to close the meeting at 5:49pm, Sam seconds.
MEDUSA Executive Council
Monday, November 19th, 16h30
Minutes taken by: Elizabeth Huyer (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Elizabeth Huyer)
✓VP Social (Sean Mayes)
✓VP Finance (Diana Gorham)
✓VP Academic (Sarah Caruso)
✓VP Professional Development (Samantha Parent)
✓First Year Representative (Heather Worling)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16h39 motioned by Liz, seconded by Sam.
Announcements: FAMEQ is this weekend! Apparently, (fake) thanksgiving is also coming up??
Approval of Minutes: Diana motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Sam motions to approve, Becky seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
1. Professional Development:
- Choral Conducting Workshop: January 16th is a go for the workshop. Sam is waiting to find out the repertoire. She will contact Patricia soon to begin scheduling time to work with participants.
- MEdUSA funded workshop this semester: Nathan is still working on nailing down a date for a workshop with Greg and/or Nick - possibilities are Nov 26 or Nov 28. This will need to be done soon, since it is only a week away.
- Ideas for next semester. Norm Horner (who taught Secondary Classroom Practices in the past). Sam/Nathan will look into this.
- The liquor license and drink order has been sent in by Lisa. Dan is looking into getting a Santa outfit. Plans also include setting up a photo opportunity for people to have their photo taken with Santa (for a donation). We’ll use a facebook event page to organize RSVPs and and what people are bringing for food (Sean will make this ASAP). The time is set at 7pm. RSVPs need to be sent to the gmail account. At the meeting before the event, we’ll set up a schedule for clean up, set up, serving, etc.
- EdUS is not interested in collaborating for the upcoming event.
- The meeting regarding the Percussion Ensemble Conductor is postponed until next semester.
- MUSA meetings have been conflicting with our MEdUSA meetings. For next semester, Diana will take a look at whether she will be able to attend MUSA meetings.
- Wednesday, November 28th at 16h30, A-607
- Friday, December 7th, at 16h30, A-832
Adjournment: Liz motions to close the meeting at 5:49pm, Sam seconds.