Minutes September 24, 2012
MEDUSA Executive Council
Monday, September 24th, 16h30
Minutes taken by: Elizabeth Huyer (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Elizabeth Huyer)
✓VP Social (Dan Duguay & Sean Mayes)
✓VP Finance (Diana Gorham)
✓VP Academic (Sarah Caruso)
✓ VP Professional Development (Samantha Parent)
First Year Representative (TBD)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16h45 motioned by Liz, seconded by Becky.
Announcements: None.
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Sarah seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Liz motions to approve, Sam seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Adjournment: Liz motions to close the meeting at 5:38pm, Diana seconds.
MEDUSA Executive Council
Monday, September 24th, 16h30
Minutes taken by: Elizabeth Huyer (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Rebecca ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Communications (Elizabeth Huyer)
✓VP Social (Dan Duguay & Sean Mayes)
✓VP Finance (Diana Gorham)
✓VP Academic (Sarah Caruso)
✓ VP Professional Development (Samantha Parent)
First Year Representative (TBD)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 16h45 motioned by Liz, seconded by Becky.
Announcements: None.
Approval of Minutes: Becky motions to approve, Sarah seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Liz motions to approve, Sam seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
- QMEA: We heard back from Victoria Descombes and Theodora Stathopoulos from QMEA. Becky will be the QMEA liaison, and attend meetings.
- VP Prof. Dev:
- MEdUSA funded workshops: There are 4 options available to pursue for this year: Native Canadian drumming & singing, How to teach private lessons, Elementary Music Classroom Management, and Using blogs with your students. Sam will look into all of the options and see what is available to us for this year.
- Sweatshirts: Liz talked to Beth from EdUS again, and she confirmed that the sweatshirts should be delivered with EdUS’ next order of merchandise.
- First Year Representative: Candidates have until 4pm on Wednesday to submit applications. A few council members will meet at that time to decide on a First Year Rep.
- Extra Projects:
- Website: Becky
- Footbook: Diana
- Music Ed Library: Sean
- Resources for Stage: Liz (TBC)
- Constitution: Liz (TBC)
- Merchandise: Diana
- Scholarships/Bursaries: Nathan (TBC)
- HR Database: Dan/Liz
- Office: Dan & Sean
- VP Social:
- Back to Kewl: Sean presents a poster for the event - councils approves, and it will be put up after the meeting. A budget of $5 is given for printing/copying. Lisa is away for the week, so Dan will be going to SAQ to get alcohol for the mixed drinks. Becky will take care of getting the punch bowls, Sam and Liz will bring ladles.
- VP Communications:
- Conductor for Lab Percussion Ensemble: Needed by October 9th (or earlier) - Liz will send out in E-News (& facebook to start).
Adjournment: Liz motions to close the meeting at 5:38pm, Diana seconds.