MEdUSA Executive Council
26 October, 2014
Minutes taken by: Kathleen Booth (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Heather Worling)
✓VP Communications (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Social (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Academic (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Professional Development (Becky ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓First Year Representative (Trevor Tsui)
✓Music Ed Minor Representative (Christopher Middleton)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:11 motioned by Chris seconded by Naomi
- Open house was today! Met some prospective music ed students!
- QBA Conference was this weekend
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved by Heather and seconded by Naomi
Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved by Naomi and seconded by Chris
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development:
Next Meeting:
5:30 p.m. Next Sunday.
Adjournment: Becky motions to close the meeting at 18:20, Christopher seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
26 October, 2014
Minutes taken by: Kathleen Booth (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Heather Worling)
✓VP Communications (Kathleen Booth)
✓VP Social (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Academic (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Professional Development (Becky ‘tMannetje)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen)
✓First Year Representative (Trevor Tsui)
✓Music Ed Minor Representative (Christopher Middleton)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 17:11 motioned by Chris seconded by Naomi
- Open house was today! Met some prospective music ed students!
- QBA Conference was this weekend
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved by Heather and seconded by Naomi
Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved by Naomi and seconded by Chris
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development:
- Workshops: 2 more workshops for this semester. Next one is 6th of November with Gabby Smith in A-410 at 5:30 pm on Band in Low-Income School Setting. Second one is with Ginette Purdy on Monday, 24th November, probably at 5:30, in A-410. The topic: Band as part of the school community. Talking about committees that run in schools.
- Sweaters: Discussion: Doug contacted another sweater company to see about a quote for different sweaters. He also contacted the university about using the crest from McGill on the sweaters. In previous years, it has been difficult getting the company permission to use the logo and the crest. Or, keep the price at $60. Becky thinks tradition is very important, especially for when beginning a new tradition. Stick with the people we were working with before. This doesn’t have to be a fundraiser.
Decision: We sell the sweaters at market price, not making a profit or a loss. In colours: cranberry, salt and pepper, navy blue, cream. Teeshirts will be sold in the spring and new sweater companies will be researched for next year. - Budget: Gill has not heard back from MUSA. She’ll start doing reimbursements and keep working on budget stuff.
- EdUS Report: Kathleen let them know about the workshops coming up and they’re super interested in them. Nothing else really affects MEdUSA.
- QBA Report: Conference was this weekend. Over 40 people attended. Celebration of 10yr anniversary. We can get our students excited to work with the honour band and beginner band as volunteers. QYWE will be restarting in January. Targeted as an ensemble for students who have graduated high school and still want to play in band, or high school students wanting to play at a higher level. There is a fee. Age cap is 25. This will be added in the E-NEWS.
- Extra Project Reports: Due by Saturday. Trevor is taking over photography, Heather will take over the music ed board project.
- Music Ed Board/Whiteboard: Kathleen will hang the whiteboard this week! Heather will start in November.
- QBA Liaison: At the conference, they voted in the new council members. Members at large change every year. This is the first year that more people were nominated to be on the council than there were positions. Our position as a MEdUSA Liaison - should it be written in the constitution and attached to someone’s position? Proposal to amend the constitution. It is in the QBA constitution that it must be a MEdUSA Council Member and MEdUSA would elect someone to be on this council. Once new council is decided upon, discussions will take place for who will be the liaison, then they will attend the last meetings with the current liaison.
- QMEA Liaison: Doug is trying to find out when their meetings are.
- ENEWS: Will be sent out this Friday.
Next Meeting:
5:30 p.m. Next Sunday.
Adjournment: Becky motions to close the meeting at 18:20, Christopher seconds.