MEdUSA Executive Council
Saturday September 5 10:00
Eve-Marie’s Cottage
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Eve-Marie Boileau)
✓VP Academic (Colin Enright)
✓VP Professional Development (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen and Pei Yao Xu)
Members-at-Large (Kathleen Booth and Trevor Tsui)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 10:15 motioned by Naomi seconded by Doug
We’re on our retreat!
Classes have started!
Approval of Minutes: Tabled
Approval of Agenda: Naomi motions to approve, Pei seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Welcome Back Cocktail: Still on September 25 at 19:30. It’s semi-formal but there will be Mexican decorations, food, and drinks. Drinks: sangria and mojitos. Eve-Marie will make a poster and a Facebook event. Advertise in classes!
Budget: Gill will email EdUS and MUSA this week.
Professional Development
Workshops: MEdUSA workshop: Vocal Techniques with Stephano Algieri, Creative Music Making with Kristen. Doug is working on the QBA workshops. We would like a workshop on putting on a musical.
ENEWS: Blurbs to Heather as soon as you get home (Monday night at the absolute latest). It will go out ASAP, Tuesday at the latest.
Volunteer Fair: Naomi, Heather, and Pei met with Share the Warmth representative Nadege. We are going to make the fair the week of September 28. However she wants volunteers for when their program starts on September 22. We will advertise this to all music students not just Music Ed. We still need to email QBA (Heather), QMEA (Heather), Yellow Door (Pei), and MNHB (Eve-Marie) ASAP.
First Year Advising: It went well! There are a lot of new First Years (9 concurrent and 2 advanced placement). For next year get 5 pizzas and email all the incoming first years that there will be pizza at the advising.
Special Projects: Eve-Marie is MNHB rep, Gill & Pei will be MEdUSA swag and SSMU funds, Naomi is photographer.
Next Meeting: Thursday at 19:30
Adjournment: Naomi motions to close the meeting at 11:08, Doug seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
Saturday September 5 10:00
Eve-Marie’s Cottage
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Eve-Marie Boileau)
✓VP Academic (Colin Enright)
✓VP Professional Development (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen and Pei Yao Xu)
Members-at-Large (Kathleen Booth and Trevor Tsui)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 10:15 motioned by Naomi seconded by Doug
We’re on our retreat!
Classes have started!
Approval of Minutes: Tabled
Approval of Agenda: Naomi motions to approve, Pei seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Welcome Back Cocktail: Still on September 25 at 19:30. It’s semi-formal but there will be Mexican decorations, food, and drinks. Drinks: sangria and mojitos. Eve-Marie will make a poster and a Facebook event. Advertise in classes!
Budget: Gill will email EdUS and MUSA this week.
Professional Development
Workshops: MEdUSA workshop: Vocal Techniques with Stephano Algieri, Creative Music Making with Kristen. Doug is working on the QBA workshops. We would like a workshop on putting on a musical.
ENEWS: Blurbs to Heather as soon as you get home (Monday night at the absolute latest). It will go out ASAP, Tuesday at the latest.
Volunteer Fair: Naomi, Heather, and Pei met with Share the Warmth representative Nadege. We are going to make the fair the week of September 28. However she wants volunteers for when their program starts on September 22. We will advertise this to all music students not just Music Ed. We still need to email QBA (Heather), QMEA (Heather), Yellow Door (Pei), and MNHB (Eve-Marie) ASAP.
First Year Advising: It went well! There are a lot of new First Years (9 concurrent and 2 advanced placement). For next year get 5 pizzas and email all the incoming first years that there will be pizza at the advising.
Special Projects: Eve-Marie is MNHB rep, Gill & Pei will be MEdUSA swag and SSMU funds, Naomi is photographer.
Next Meeting: Thursday at 19:30
Adjournment: Naomi motions to close the meeting at 11:08, Doug seconds.