MEdUSA Executive Council
Thursday, November 5, 19:00
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Eve-Marie Boileau)
✓VP Academic (Colin Enright)
✓VP Professional Development (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen and Pei Yao Xu)
✓First Year Rep (Kyle Martis)
Members-at-large (Kathleen Booth)
Advanced Placement (Toby Moisey)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 19:05 motioned by Doug seconded by Pei
The workshop was fantastic.
Approval of Minutes: Pei motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Gill motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
Professional Development
Next Meeting: Next week, tentatively 17:00, same place.
Adjournment: Naomi motions to close the meeting at 19:40, Doug seconds.
MEdUSA Executive Council
Thursday, November 5, 19:00
Minutes taken by: Heather Worling (VP Communications)
Minutes to be made available: by request to VP Communications ([email protected])
✓President (Naomi Garrett)
✓VP Communications (Heather Worling)
✓VP Social (Eve-Marie Boileau)
✓VP Academic (Colin Enright)
✓VP Professional Development (Doug Giroux)
✓VP Finance (Gillian Chen and Pei Yao Xu)
✓First Year Rep (Kyle Martis)
Members-at-large (Kathleen Booth)
Advanced Placement (Toby Moisey)
Welcome: Meeting begins at 19:05 motioned by Doug seconded by Pei
The workshop was fantastic.
Approval of Minutes: Pei motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Approval of Agenda: Gill motions to approve, Naomi seconds.
Agenda & Proceedings:
- Budget: MUSA is talking to McGill to find out why they can’t see the numbers on Minerva. We should hear tomorrow. Tabled.
- Swag: We are not going through EdUS. Gill and Pei will look at the website Naomi found to see what we can arrange.
Professional Development
- Workshops: 14 people attended the workshop on Monday. It was excellent! Next workshop is on November 17 at 18:00 with Kristen in A-412. Doug has created a Facebook event. QMEA workshop is on November 20 from 9:30-14:30. Doug will send a PDF to the GA with more information. Cost is $35 for students, $25 if you are a member of the QMEA.
- Festivus: The room has been re-booked for 17:00. However, we have to be out and cleaned up by 22:30 because there is an event the next morning and the cleaners are coming at 22:30 and if we are late there is a $150 fee. The alcohol has been ordered as has the permit.
- EdUS: See report. We requested clarification from EdUS: “The MEdUSA Council is currently meeting and we don't feel that we can vote on EdUS's proposed statement about the strikes until the aims and message of the statement are clarified. What is EdUS hoping to achieve with this statement (tangible political action or clarifying the student union's stance on the teachers' current affairs)? Who is this message intended for and how would it be distributed?”
- UVSMEA/BUSMEA: We received a couple of emails from different music ed student councils. One was inviting us to the Brandon University Student Music Association’s conference on January 16. The second was from the University of Victoria’s Student Music Association just asking for more information about how we work and inviting us to join a Facebook page. Heather will draft a response with Naomi.
Next Meeting: Next week, tentatively 17:00, same place.
Adjournment: Naomi motions to close the meeting at 19:40, Doug seconds.